Alejandro Saldana

Photo of Alejandro Saldana
Enrollment Counselor
Admissions, (Meridian Schools)

What I Do

I work with One Stop Representatives to help you start college. I can help you navigate the admissions process, provide information about the programs we offer, and apply for financial aid. You will find me out in local schools and the community introducing prospective students to the College.

Hablo español. 


My name is Alejandro Saldana, but I go by Alex. I have been working in the education field for five years now and the journey has been everywhere. I have spent time as a Youth Transition Specialist, Intervention Specialist, Financial Aid officer and now an Enrollment Counselor at CWI. I joined the CWI team in February of 2022 as a Financial Aid officer. I spent about a year and a half before transitioning to the Admissions team. I graduated with my bachelor’s degree in social science from Warner Pacific University and am attending Idaho State University to earn my Master of Educational Leadership. I am the first in my family to graduate with a bachelor’s degree and will be the first in my family to obtain a master’s degree as well. It has been a journey. A journey that is not completed yet. I hope to be a steppingstone for those that try to elevate themselves through education.


  • B.A., Social Science., Warner Pacific University