Continuing Staff Senate Members Introduced

Published: March 21, 2014

The College of Western Idaho (CWI) Staff Senate election is rapidly approaching. Benefit eligible staff members will be able to vote for Staff Senators and Officers, April 15-30, via myCWI. To kick-off this year's election process, Staff Senate would like to introduce employees to the Senators who will be continuing their service for 2014-15. A biography of the following Staff Senate members can be found on myCWI under Staff Senate > 2014 Election folder.  

2014 President: Brittney Kaercher, Project Manager II, Instruction
2014 Senator: Shannon Chapman, Accountant II
2014 Senator: Morriah Marks, Project Manager II, Advancement
2014 Senator: Connor McComas, Learning Community Coordinator
2014 Senator: Tony Tine, IT Tech Support Specialist II
2014 Senator: Josee Ward, Academic Advisor

Please email for general Staff Senate questions, to learn more about the election, or if you experience trouble viewing the Staff Senate myCWI page.

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