Business Office Trainings Last of Semester

Published: April 7, 2016

The College of Western Idaho (CWI) Business Office has completed the first round of its new Business Office 101 sessions and is preparing for the final trainings of the academic year. The Business Office would like to thank everyone that has attended a training so far and encourages employees to join one of the classes in April. The sessions are a great place to learn more about the presentation topics, as well as receive help or direction on related work needs.

Classes in April will be held at the Ada County Campus Pintail Center in room 1416:

Accounts Payable – April 20, 2:00-3:10 p.m., RSVP
Fixed Assets/Purchasing – April 20, 3:30 – 4:45 p.m., RSVP
Accounting – April 27, 2:30 – 4:00 p.m., RSVP

The following information will be covered in each class:

Accounts Payable:
Presenter: Renee Watson
Topics: Travel and Events

Purchasing/Fixed Assets:
Presenter: Shari Davis
Topics: Purchase Order Processes – Initiating a Purchase Order, Purchasing Policies and Constraints, Signature and Bidding Requirements, and Purchase Order and Budget Management
Fixed Assets – Asset Acquisition Processes, Inventory Management, Disposal Options and Procedures, and Policy and Legal Constraints

Presenter: Brian D. Smith
Topics: General Ledger Structure, Chart of Accounts, myCWI, Gift/Prize/Award Form, Funds Transfer Form, Donations, Unrelated Business Income Tax, Invoicing, Cash Handling, Project Accounting, Accruals and Prepaids, and Financial Statement Review

The Business Office hopes everyone who has attended a training has enjoyed the classes and learned something valuable. Please email with any questions. 

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